Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why I Still Use Windows XP

OK, I'll admit it. I'm a late adopter. Back in 2006, my friends scratched their heads at the things I was doing with my old Windows 98 HP Brio box with 128MB of memory. Then the Lords of Redmond (aka Microsoft) announced they would no longer be supporting Windows 98.

Just after that announcement, I came across a Tech Republic blog entry from Steve Warren: "Microsoft vs. the Stubborn Donkeys." where he wrote
I still know some people who love and are very happy with their Windows 98 and Windows ME computers. If you are still a user of Windows 98 or Windows ME, you fall under what I call the “Stubborn Donkey syndrome” - you know the operating system, you know what it looks like, where things go, where things should be, and resist change with every fiber of your being.
After reading his post, I sent Warren this photo of the donkey and cart with the caption "Morty being supported by Microsoft." He wrote me back that I made his day.

In his post, Warren went on say that Microsoft was making a mistake by antagonizing people and making them upgrade every year. What he didn't mention is that not every new version is an "upgrade." Windows 2000 was. But Windows Millennium was overpriced at "free:"! (I threw away a free copy I got.)

I finally bit the bullet and got a new Dell computer with XP Professional. Guess what.... The bullet was delicious. Microsoft finally got it right! XP is solid and stable. No, I haven't tried Vista. But just about everyone I know who has hates it. It's so unpopular that Dell and Lenovo came out with new computers with the option to "downgrade" from Vista to XP!

Will I try Windows 7? Maybe. Ask me in a few years. Hee haw!